How To Make The Most Of Real Estate Aerial Photography For A Listing

Real estate aerial photography can make a listing significantly more compelling. If you're looking to hire someone to do real estate listing aerial photography, it's a good idea to think about the ways you can get your dollar's worth from it. Follow these four tips to make the most of your use of aerial photos for a listing.

Check the Boundaries of the Property

If you're putting up a listing, there's a good chance you're going to also perform at least a title search. Many folks also have surveyors come in. In both instances, you'll come away with a much clearer idea of where the property ends.

You can then instruct the folks doing the photography work to use specific points in the project. This will allow you to get as close to the property as possible, maximize the value of high-resolution images.

Also, knowing the boundaries will allow you to overlay them on the photos. This will help potential buyers to understand exactly what they'd purchase if they commit.

Notify the Neighbors

Most real estate aerial photography now uses drone technologies. These drones typically operate in airspaces that aren't clearly defined by the FAA as public or private. Consequently, you might overfly a neighboring property in the process. It's just good manners to let folks know there will be an aircraft taking images over their places. Tell them what the day and hours of the flight will be so they won't be concerned.

Plan Around the Weather

If at all possible, you want to shoot for a day where the weather will be nice. This will maximize the amount of sunlight hitting the property.

You may be able to watch the weather forecast to determine the right time to fly. However, should also look at weather trends so you can determine the right week for the project. This is especially critical if you're working with a company that books flights weeks or months in advance.

Stage the Property

No one wants to see pictures of a property with equipment and materials all over the place. If you can do so, try to have as much stuff out of the way on your shooting day. Organize piles that will be visible from the sky, too. Mow the grass in all of the open spaces of the location. While you don't have to go all-in on landscaping, making the property look clean and organized will raise its sellability.
